Gluten Free Boba - Are Yummy Tapioca Pearls Gluten Free?

Gluten Free Boba – Are Yummy Tapioca Pearls Gluten Free?

Have you been finding yourself asking these questions about tapioca or boba pearls?

  • Is tapioca gluten free?
  • Is Boba gluten free?
  • Is popping boba gluten free?
  • Does tapioca contain gluten?
  • Does tapioca have gluten?
  • Does tapioca pearls have gluten?
  • What is tapioca made from?
  • Is modified tapioca starch gluten free?
  • Tapioca is it gluten free?

Okay, that is an excessive amount of ways to ask the same question.

However, if you couldn’t find the right answer anywhere else we hope you do here. Here’s the short answer in case you’re in a hurry, tapioca pearls are indeed gluten-free.

Now, if you’re one of those people that have been wondering whether you can drink bubble tea or not because of the tapioca pearls, we’re here to help. Especially if you’re the one that cannot digest gluten as best as you can. (Don’t worry, you’re not the only one).

Are Yummy Tapioca Pearls Gluten Free?

What is Gluten Exactly Anyway?

Before we get to answering the question about whether tapioca pearls or boba pearls are gluten-free, we have to dissect what gluten is.

For those that know already, we’ll give you a pass, go ahead and read the next section! But if you want, we invite you to stick around.

Gluten by definition is a “substance present in cereal grains, especially wheat. It is responsible for the elastic texture of dough and similar foods. A mixture of two proteins, it causes illness in people with celiac disease.” According to Google search that is.

So what are some examples of foods that have gluten in it?
Foods that contain gluten are typically carbohydrates like pasta, bread, grains, and wheat. Here are some popular examples to give you some context.

Examples of gluten-filled foods:

  • Pasta
  • Cereal
  • Pancakes
  • Waffles
  • Croissants
  • Bread like wheat, rye, etc.

Are Tapioca Pearls Gluten Free and Safe for Me?

In short, yes tapioca pearls are gluten free.

Here’s why.

Tapioca pearls, otherwise known as boba pearls, are made with tapioca starch. Tapioca starch is derived from the cassava root and eventually made into what you know as tapioca pearls.

To make tapioca starch or flour, the cassava root is cleaned and grounded up into a fine powder to make dough. Cassava root in its purest or most natural form is gluten free. It is not a grain or category of food classified as gluten.

Surprisingly, you’ll find that many of your gluten free products are made with tapioca starch or flour too! How crazy is that, bet you didn’t know that! (Or you did and we’re just out of the loop).

So what does this mean?

It means you’re safe to drink bubble tea with tapioca or boba pearls. Your digestive system won’t dislike you, it’ll love you! Bubble tea is one of the most delicious drinks that you can have on a hot summer day.

Check out some of our favorite flavors here, we personally love a good Thai milk tea or Matcha or Taro Milk Tea.

Are Yummy Tapioca Pearls Gluten Free?

3 Gluten Myths You Didn’t Know About 

Gluten Rich Foods Are Bad For You

This is a huge blanket statement around the idea of food.

Yes, many of the foods (heavy pasta and delicious ice creams filled with fat) that contain gluten are indeed very bad for you. But there are some exceptions depending on what it is.

Let’s take your ever-popular wheat bread for example.

Wheat bread contains many beneficial nutrients like crucial vitamins and minerals (fiber). Would you consider this to be bad for you?

We’ll consider this myth bobafied (or debunked)!

A Gluten Free Diet Can Help You Lose Weight and Get You the Body You Want

We’re no health experts here but we’re sure that this is definitely false. Consider this bobafied from the start!

Gluten sure has a certain effect on your digestive system and how you process foods. But unfortunately, this doesn’t mean that if you completely cut out gluten (allergic or not) that you’ll lose weight.

Losing weight is a ‘balance of diet’ type of game. Not so much a ‘cut one thing out’ type of game.

In other words, a balanced consumption of the food pyramid will yield a healthy weight for you. It may even get you closer to your goals.

Remember, life is all about balance right?

Cutting Out Gluten Will Give You More Energy

There are believers out there that really think cutting out gluten completely is what gave them more energy.

There have been many studies out there from well-known establishments that prove otherwise. Their research suggests that food that contains gluten is actually better to digest than those without.

Crazy right, we know! Feel free to search it up for yourself.

We thought this was the most powerful myth to bobafy. It makes sense that eating gluten-rich foods like pasta makes us sluggish. But when you think about it, is it really the gluten? Maybe. Or maybe it was the portion that was consumed.

Hmm, a big bowl of pasta is delicious though…

Nonetheless, don’t believe for one second that gluten is what makes you sluggish. There can be many factors like proper sleep, rest, and balance in your diet that play a role in your energy levels.

It would really mean a lot to us.

We believe in using the best quality ingredients to consistently serve our customers with a delicious range of drinks that have not only been created with utmost care, but also with the sharpest appearance.

You can also read about Matcha and Taro from our blog sections.

You can buy Boba/ tapioca pearls that can be ready in minutes from us here.

You can shop our Bubble Tea or Boba (in Bengaluru) from

You can also buy Boba Time products from SwiggyZomato, and MagicPin.

For any bulk inquiries call on +91 9769001968 or email [email protected].

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